Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Christmas Craft-a-palooza

If you're a family member of mine, chances are you (or your children) have received a yarny gift from me at some point. This tradition may have started in the poor-college-student Christmases of yore, but it still continues today! This Christmas was no different--here are some of this season's Christmas crafts.

For my baby niece Elliana, this teddy bear (dog?), made with Lion Brand Homespun:

Who quickly made friends with Don Leon.

He'd be annoyed, but he's too busy sleeping.
Next, this heart purse for Ellie's older sister Kate.

Next, I whipped up these Tunisian crochet Christmas stockings for me and the Mister:

No fireplace, so an office door will have to do.

These stockings are huge--over 3 feet long. Great for giants with big calves.
And, the piece de resistance, the sweater I knitted for Mr. N. Yes, knitted! It took me about 3 months and 3 or 4 false starts but he loved it (and actually wears it! The pinnacle of achievement for any crafter):

It was a unisex pattern I altered to fit--I lengthened the body and sleeves three inches, and that was just barely enough. I used Lion Brand Fisherman's Wool, my favorite yarn ever! Here's Mr. N. with Mom and Dad N.

I also made the scarf  Mom N is wearing from Lion Brand Amazing Yarn. Love the beautiful color variance.

That's about it from Christmas. And now, my belated gift to my wonderful readers: gratuitous pictures of Don Leon.

We'll get back to our regularly scheduled fashion soon. Thanks for stopping by!

ps. All patterns I used can be found by clicking the links in the text above.